Looking Ahead!
Here’s to looking ahead and hoping for a great fishing season!….
The off-season finds us busily preparing our gear for the upcoming fishing year. The new G3 boat is currently being outfitted with new Garmin GPS/Fishfinders and a new Minn Kota Ultrex 36 V trolling motor. We plan to upgrade the flooring with Dri-Dek and eva foam to add comfort and stability for our guests. This new boat is a welcome improvement for our fishing clients this spring.
We have recently added T & H Marine as a Maine Bass Fishing Guide Service sponsor. You will see new T & H Marine and Atlas brand equipment on the boat this year. It is solid performing gear and we have used their products for many years.
We are hoping for an early ice-out this spring with all the mild weather we have been experiencing lately. The new boat should be ready to go by March for early salmon and bass!
We are stocking up on baits in the event of a “supply problem” later this year. Pradco Outdoor Brands has been kind enough to help us with bulk purchases of soft plastics and hard baits. I suggest if you come across the baits you like, either online or at your local retailer, grab em’ up before they are gone!
The Pandemic has certainly taken its’ toll on those of us in the Travel & Tourism industry. We are optimistic that 2021 will offer some relief for all of us. We take solace in future thoughts of carefree summer mornings, brilliant sun rises over majestic White Pines, mirrored reflections on still waters, the cry of a loon in the evening, and scrappy Maine Smallmouth & Largemouth dancing on the line.
We hope you are all well and wish you happiness and good heath this coming year!
Maine Bass Fishing Guide Service Inc.
541 River Road Brunswick, Maine 04011
Us on TripAdvisor